Friday, May 7, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase #18 - Avocado & Mango Tower with Grilled Scallops

It's the eighteenth edition of Saturday Blog Showcase - my, how time has flown!  Join Ann (Thibeault's Table) and me in showcasing our fellow bloggers and their wonderful culinary creations.  Check at the bottom of this post to find out how you can join in the fun!

This week, my blog pick of the week is The Catty Life.  Her charming wit, stunning photography and delicious-looking food has me visiting her site often.   Her Avocado & Mango Tower with Grilled Scallops definitely caught my eye.  It's beautiful, delicious and quick - the perfect combination for Friday night after work.

Following TCL's directions (and improvising just a tad on my own), it was just a matter of a little dicing some avocado (which I mixed with a small glug of olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, and a bit of cilantro), and layering that in the bottom of a ring mold, dicing some mango (which I mixed with about 1/8 teaspoon of minced red chili), then layered that over the avocado.  While the avocado and mango were setting up in the mold, I salted and peppered some scallops and pan-seared them until they had a nice golden crust on each side, about 1-1/2 to 2 minutes per side.  The sweet scallops and the buttery and not-too-sweet mango and avocado combination was amazing.  You don't have to be as fussy as layering the mango and avocado - a nice salsa made of the same ingredients makes for a nice bed to beautifully-browned scallops.  Thank you to The Catty Life!

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To participate in Saturday Blog Showcase:

1.Make a recipe from a fellow blogger's website and share the recipe on your blog with a link back to the blog where you found the recipe.

2.Add the Saturday Blog Showcase logo to your post.

3.On Friday night or Saturday, link your post to Mr. Linky:


  1. What a cool presentation! This was a great find. :-) -

  2. This looks so light and refreshing.

  3. Great photos Lori. The colours are so appealing. Another scallop dish that I know Moe would love.


  4. Gosh, is this PRETTY, Lori!! Your photos are pure joy...I love the lighting!

    I know DH would enjoy this one, as he is such an avocado fan. Me...not so much, but I'll take the scallops & mango!! Thanks for sharing & for hosting SBS this week.

  5. Oh gorgeous Lori!
    I could eat this right now!
    Happy Mother's Day my friend!

  6. Perfect! What a lovely dish to serve for a luncheon, Mother's Day or, just because!

  7. Nice flavours. Very brave to arrange it this way.

  8. What a stunning presentation, Lori. I love all the ingredients and can't wait to try this lovely dish.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  9. Lovely blog, inspiring food! I'm off to the kitchen......Cheers! Susan :)

  10. Looks perfect for a nice light dinner. Beautiful!!

  11. The photos look so good I am ready to sink my teeth into them.
    Beautiful job!

  12. Gorgeous presentation! I love the layered look with food and this is a light and healthy recipe as well.
    If it were in a pretty glass, I'd call it a Verrine!

  13. Lori, that looks gorgeous! Wish I had been there to have some as I am the only one at this house who likes scallops. The others may have to just suffer with them, though, so that I can make this. :-)

  14. Oh my goodness I'm so touched!!! This looks amazing - it's such a pretty dish and your little touches sound divine, especially the bit of chilli. I think I'm going to do that next time! Thanks so much for coming by my blog, you've made my day :) :)

  15. I love the tower.. so many refreshing flavors in one dish... great photo too!

  16. Very pretty presentation and I bet it tastes delicious too.

  17. Lori, this is a wonderful dish. It is gorgeous to look at and I'm sure delicious. You really outdid yourself. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  18. Lori - I tried this dish but ended up using king crab leg meat instead of scallops. It was so delicious! I made it as an appetizer and everyone loved it.

  19. Jo-Anne, king crab is a favorite of mine, too! I'm sure your dish was fantastic. Can't wait to try it with the crab, as well. Thank you for leaving the feedback. I really appreciate it!



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