Friday, May 21, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase #20 - Gazpacho

It's Week #20 for Saturday Blog Showcase.  Join Ann (Thibeault's Table) and me in featuring recipes from our fellow bloggers.  Look at the bottom of this post for guidelines to join in on the fun!

This week, I visited Budget Bytes, a wonderful blog devoted to eating well without breaking the family budget.  Beth's recipes are broken down cost-wise and into easy-to-follow steps.  Her gazpacho looked delicious and I was not disappointed.  Even using canned crushed tomatoes, the tomatillos, fresh cilantro and parsley, and fresh lime juice really brightened the flavor.   It was so easy to put together after work - a slight bit of chopping and blitz the rest in the blender.  A wonderful cold soup as the Texas temperatures start creeping upwards.  Thank you, Beth!

Summer Gazpacho

1 (28-ounces) can crushed tomatoes
2 cups vegetable juice (like V8)
1 small yellow onion
1 large cucumber
2 small tomatillos
1/4 bunch Italian parsley
1/4 bunch cilantro
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 medium lime, juiced
1 medium avocado

Wash, seed and finely dice the cucumber, tomatillo and yellow onion. Split the chopped veggies into two bowls. Half will be pureed with the other soup ingredients and the other half will be added at the end for texture.

In a blender combine the crushed tomatoes, half of the chopped veggies, the minced garlic, parsley, cilantro, olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and half of the V8. If all of the V8 will fit in your blender, go ahead and add all of it but don't let the liquid exceed 3/4 of the blender's volume. Puree these ingredients on a fairly low setting until almost smooth. Taste and adjust the salt and pepper to your liking.

Pour the contents of the blender into a bowl and stir in the remaining chopped veggies and remaining V8 juice. Dice the avocado and either sprinkle on just before serving or stir into the soup. If you stir it in, the acid from the tomatoes and lemon will keep it from browning. Let the soup chill for at least 30 minutes to blend the flavors. Serve cold!

* * * * * * * * * *

To participate in Saturday Blog Showcase:

1.Make a recipe from a fellow blogger's website and share the recipe on your blog with a link back to the blog where you found the recipe.

2.Add the Saturday Blog Showcase logo to your post.

3.On Friday night or Saturday, link your post to Mr. Linky:


  1. Lori-I could have gazpacho everyday in the summer!! I love the avocado on top--I will try that! It sounds delicious and easier than the one I make! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Lori, Gazpacho is one of the few cold soups that I love. Your presentation with the avocado on top has me craving gazpacho.

    This will be on the menu here soon. Thanks


  3. Love this soup. It looks easy and delicious. I'll have to check out Beth's Blog.

  4. How interesting! I've never had a cold soup before, but those flavors look great. -

  5. We ♥ gazpacho around here & your recipe looks delicious! I can't wait to try it.

    The first photo with the light shining through the leaf is just outstanding! Beautiful job!

  6. Nothing more lovely than gazpacho and I love your avocadoes floating on top! Your photos are making me crave some right now!

  7. This is perfect for the cold weather I am experiencing now in the mountains.

  8. So refreshing and delicious! I will certainly be making some of this for my family. We love to eat lighter during the summer.

  9. That gazpacho looks incredible! I especially love the chunks of avocado! YUM :) :)

  10. Whoops! I just added my link to Mr. Linky before realizing this was from May 21 (embarrassed). I hope that's okay, lol! I hadn't had my coffee yet...... I've never had gazpacho, believe it or not, but this looks like a wonderful, refreshing summer soup! Something I definitely have to try.

  11. friend's this is blog of cooking and good for women they can get think of cooking .


  12. Hi, I just found your Saturday Blog Showcase but you seem to have stopped posting. I am interested, if you plan to continue. Would you contact me and let me know if this will resume.

    Hoping all is well with you.

  13. Love the gazpacho, the pics are wonderful!

  14. I'm new here and so happy to find your great blog! Your gazpacho looks and sounds delicious! Thanks for the recipe!


I appreciate your visit and welcome your comments!