Sunday, May 2, 2010

Roast Chicken & Basil Smashed Potatoes

Sunday afternoon.  The morning cloudiness and drizzle cleared and it's turned out to be a beautiful day. And the perfect Sunday evening meal is a roast chicken dinner.  I prefer the high heat method of roasting.  The chicken always turns out juicy and tender. 

Of course, potatoes and gravy are a must when roasting a chicken.  I had some red potatoes I quartered and boiled with a couple of cloves of garlic.  When the potatoes were cooked, I drained them, smashed them with milk and butter, salt and plenty of freshly ground black pepper, then stirred in a handful of chopped fresh basil. Delicious!  And plenty of leftovers for tomorrow.  Yay!


  1. Ooooh, I would like to take a big forkful of those yummy taters. Potatoes and gravy are are two of my favorite foods. Chicken too.

  2. There is nothing like a roast chicken -- and those potatoes look yummy!

  3. Girl...that looks fabulous!

  4. My favourite dinner. I don't know what I want more. The roast chicken or the potatoes. I love that potato photo Lori.

  5. The first dinner I ever learned to make was a roast chicken dinner. And, of course, old fashioned mashed potatoes. I love the idea of the garlic smashed potatoes, Lori...never have tried that on my family.
    Your photos are making me hungry!


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