Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase #17 - Strawberry Crepes

Another week has gone by and Saturday Blog Showcase is upon us yet again!  Thanks to Ann (Thibeault's Table) for hosting this week!  Join us in preparing recipes from our fellow bloggers.  It gives us the opportunity to meet new folks and revisit others!

Today I made a simple recipe of crepes with macerated strawberries from In Erika's Kitchen.  Erika has a wonderful way of writing, beautiful photographs - a great read!

It's not quite peak strawberry season here yet, so my strawberries were a little tarter than I'd hoped they would be.  A little extra sugar took care of that.  The crepes were light and flavorful, the perfect foil for these pretty berries.  This made for a special Saturday breakfast - thank you, Erika!

Strawberry crepes

  • 2 pints ripe strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 2 Tbsp Grand Marnier (or other orange-flavored liqueur)
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 Tbsp butter, melted
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • Pinch of salt
  • Water, as needed
Combine the strawberries, 1/4 cup sugar and Grand Marnier in a mixing bowl. Let the mixture sit at room temperature while you make the crepes. The longer it sits, the more juice the berries will release.
Whisk together the flour, eggs, butter, milk, salt and remaining sugar in another bowl until the mixture is smooth. Add water, a little at a time, until the batter is the consistency of heavy cream. You want the batter to be quite thin so it will spread easily around the pan.

Heat an 8-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Spray the pan with cooking spray. Then, working quickly, add about 1/4 cup of batter to the pan. Immediately lift the pan and swirl the batter around so it coats the bottom of the pan evenly. When the batter stops moving and is starting to set, put the pan back on the stove.

In about 30 seconds, the edges of the crepe will begin to lift slightly and turn golden.  Flip the crepe carefully with a spatula (or, if you’re brave, pick it up with your fingers and turn it by hand). Cook briefly on the second side. Fold in half, then in half again so you have a triangle. Put the finished crepe on a plate and start over again.

To serve, place two triangles on a plate and top with the macerated strawberries. Those of you who like whipped cream should feel free to add some at this point.

Makes about 12 8-inch crepes.

* * * * * * * * * *

Thanks once again to Ann for hosting SBS this week!


  1. Strawberries and crepes are meant for each other. Your photo is scrumptious, Lori.

  2. I was just thinking about making crepes and strawberries are so plentiful right now. Wonderful.

  3. Lori, thanks for featuring my strawberry crepes recipe! I'm so glad you liked it. Your blog is gorgeous as well!

  4. Now that is my idea of a great breakfast.


  5. Mmmmm! I saw your post this morning and decided I just had to make them and I did. We just finished them. Wonderful!! I made homemade whipped cream too and my family loves me today! Thank you!

  6. I'm nowhere near your league in the cooking department, but I believe I could do these following this easy sounding recipe.

  7. This looks so good I found you on love your blog.
    Check out mine if you get time

    Have a great day.


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