Thursday, September 30, 2010

Foodie Friday: Seasoned Tortilla Chips & Homemade Salsa

Football season is upon us, and you can't watch football without some good eats and a favorite libation at the ready.  My snack repertoire is continually growing, but the one standard of football watching is chips & salsa.  Of course you can open up a bag - there are numerous pre-made chips available (yellow corn, white corn, flour), and, of course, you can uncap a jar, and your nosh is ready.  OR... you can fry up some chips and season them as you desire, and you can blitz up a flavorful salsa in the blender in no time flat. So easy, so good.  And your fellow football fans will be forever appreciative of your efforts.  I promise! Just don't forget to keep the beer ice cold!


1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 jalapeno, seeded (use more if you like to keep a fire extinguisher handy, less if you prefer a milder version)
1 small onion, quartered
handful of cilantro
1/2 teaspoon cumin
salt & pepper, to taste
juice of 1 lime

Add all ingredients to blender jar.  Blend for just a few seconds - the salsa should still have some texture to it.  Adjust seasoning as desired.  Refrigerate in covered container.

Tortilla Chips

Cut corn tortillas in sixths.  Heat a skillet of canola oil over medium-high heat.  Add tortillas to skillet, about 8 - 12 chips at a time.  Fry until golden (chips may need to be turned over during cooking process).  Remove to paper towel-lined bowl. While still warm, season with salt, chili powder, and lime zest.

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Click on Foodie Friday logo to visit Designs by Gollum.
 Thank you for stopping by All That Splatters.  Join me in checking out all the other wonderful Foodie Friday participants at Designs by Gollum, hosted by Michael.  Thank you, Michael!


  1. Looks easy! Sounds good... much better than the bag on the store shelp!

  2. Wow, mouth is watering. I love how you flavored up the chips! Amazing. I need to try this and soon!

    Good eatings,

    Jaime and Jen Dish (come check us out!)

  3. Looks so yummy and sounds great. I could go for some homemade salsa anyday

  4. One of my favorite snacks!! Love the idea of seasoning the chips!!

  5. I like the idea of the canned tomatoes.. never thought of that and sometimes..well you just don't have fresh..Looks so delish..

  6. Lori, I would be happy with a bowl of your salsa and those wonderful looking chips as a stand alone dinner.


  7. I have not had breakfast yet Lori and I could go for a big bowl of your chips and salsa right now!

  8. Lori you are brilliant!

    I never would have thought to season the tortilla chips with anything other than salt. But why not? We buy them in the bag ~ and I'm sure these are infinitely better tasting and better for us. Not to mention FRESH. What a great idea!

    I could make a meal of chips and salsa; this takes the combination to a whole new level. Spectacular photos. Very nicely done, my friend. xo~m

    P.S. I'm admiring your salsa bowl and baskets ~ you have such great style!

  9. Oh dear, you found my weakness, Lori. I'll choose chips and salsa any day over sweets of any type. Love the spiced up homemade chips.

  10. I could make a meal out of your chips and salsa!!!

  11. Lori, your seasoned tortilla chips looks amazing! I'm normally lazy and buy chips but I have to try these.

  12. Looks YUM..and just in time for tailgating :)


  13. Yum - your home-made chips & salsa look fantastic! Thanks for reminding me that chips don't have to come out of a bag :)


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