Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rhubarb Pie

As a child, I remember my parents loving rhubarb pie. I myself found it too tart for my tastes. Ever since, I've always been confounded by the anxiously awaited rhubarb season. Remembering that one's tastes change over the years... certainly mine had for other foods... and the fact that this recipe of Ann of Thibeault's Table has received rave reviews, I thought it high time to give rhubarb another shot. The photos Ann and others have posted of this recipe left me drooling and ready to become a partaker of Ann's rhubarb pie. I was not disappointed. The filling that the rhubarb is mixed into is wonderfully luscious - I figured its sweetness was the perfect foil for such a tart fruit. I was more than pleasantly surprised with the overall sweetness of the pie. I didn't find the fruit nearly as tart as I had remembered. Alas, I have become a member of those who will be anxiously awaiting rhubarb season next year.

Find the recipe for Ann's Rhubarb Pie here. My recipe for pie crust comes from my former mother-in-law. It comes out perfect every time.

Connie's Pie Crust
(Note: double recipe for the rhubarb pie.)

1-1/2 cups flour
1/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup cold butter
pinch of salt
1/4 cup ice water

Pulse flour with shortening, butter, and salt in a food processor until mixture is mealy. Slowly add ice water until dough forms a ball. Remove from processor and quickly form into a disc. Chill for 30 minutes. Roll out crust for pie.


  1. Oh my gosh that's one gorgeous pie..she will be proud:) And rightly so~

  2. Monique is right Lori. I'm very proud of you. That is one beautiful pie and your crust is perfect. I can't believe you haven't made a lattice crust before.

    Wish we lived closer to each other. I would be over for a piece of pie and a cup of coffee tomorrow morning.

  3. Yeah baby that is one gorgeous pie...
    from another new rhubarb fan!
    L :*

  4. just getting caught up with you, its all so pretty here but your pie pic is so gorgeous i had to gush with the rest of them~

  5. can that pie crust be made for chicken pot pie, or is it just for fruity/desert kinds?

  6. sorry if this is a double post but new at this and not sure if the other one went thru. just wondering if the pie crust can be made for chix pot pie?

  7. Legend_018, yes, you could use the same pie crust for pot pies since there's no sugar in the crust at all. If I were to make it for a pot pie, I think I would add some chopped fresh herbs to the dough. It would add a lovely touch, both visually and taste-wise!


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