Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chicken with Marsala Sauce

Tonight was another quick and easy and over-the-top-with-flavor dinner! I wanted to make Chicken Marsala but had no mushrooms on hand. So I decided on just chicken with Marsala sauce, not a true chicken Marsala. And in about 15 - 20 minutes I had an amazing dinner. I love mashed potatoes with Chicken Marsala instead of pasta, so I cubed a Yukon gold potato and boiled it. While the potato was cooking, I pounded a boneless/skinless chicken breast to an even thickness, dredged it in flour seasoned with salt and pepper, and browned it in a little olive oil in a small skillet. When the chicken was browned on both sides, I removed it to a plate and kept it warm, poured in about 1/3 cup of dry Marsala wine, and reduced it by half. While the Marsala was reducing, I mashed the potatoes with a little butter, milk, salt and pepper. I then added in about 1/4 cup chicken broth to the reduced Marsala, let it all reduce a little more, and seasoned the sauce with salt and pepper. I plated the chicken over the mashed potatoes, then drizzled the sauce over it. Sprinkled chopped parsley over, and dinner was served.

By the way, the swelling has finally gone down on my foot! Yay! The toes have finally stopped feeling numb, the fingers on my left hand are okay, and I am going to try to be a bit more cognizant of my surroundings when I walk from now on! I think I dodged a bullet! *whew*


  1. You must be feeling better to have cooked that tasty looking dinner. I love the idea of having Chicken Marsala over mashed potatoes. YUM!

  2. We LOVE that meal! It looks great w/ your new page too:)

  3. Sounds delicious! I will give this a try. It is nice to have a dish that is high on flavor and quick to put together after a long day at work!

  4. Chicken Marsala is a favorite -- but have never had it with mashed potatoes! I keep a bottle of marsala in the pantry just for cooking!

  5. Do you ever add mushrooms to a Marsala sauce like this? We frequently have Chicken Piccata, but this recipe seems easy and tasty enough to start adding into our rotation!

    I found you on TasteSpotting and am writing to say that if you have any photos that aren’t accepted there, I’d love to publish them. Visit my new site (below), it’s a lot of fun! I hope you will consider it.


  6. Lori...Beautiful pics!
    I am glad you are feeling a little better so you could cook that fabulous looking meal. But that really sounds like a nasty tumble!
    We go to an Italian place that serves Marsala with the tiniest portion of the richest mashed potato I have ever eaten...delicious that way...
    Guess what I took out of the freezer for tonight?

  7. Oh my goodness, this looks wonderful! I've never made this, I've only eaten it in a restaurant. I should try and make some! :0)

  8. WOW...very impressive and complex looking meal, well worth the wait for dinner.


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