Thursday, June 25, 2009


Ann of Thibeault's Table had suggested that the next time I make pizza dough, let it rise in the refrigerator for a day or two, that this would improve the flavor of the crust even more. So, I took her advice. My pizza crust is actually a French bread recipe - it's the one my mother has been using since I was a little girl: yeast, water, salt, shortening (I sometimes substitute olive oil), and flour. Well, I have to agree with Ann. I made the dough on Monday and made a calzone and a loaf of French bread today. The flavor was a little like sourdough. And the calzone's crust was nice and crisp.

I just winged the filling: ricotta, sauteed onions & peppers (leftover from the fajitas I made a couple of nights ago), pepperoni, and mozzarella. A quick red sauce (thinly sliced garlic sauteed in olive oil, crushed tomatoes, oregano, basil, parsley, salt & pepper, and a pinch of sugar) to serve with it, and dinner was done. I haven't made calzones in a long time, but I'll definitely be doing that more often - so easy, so good.


  1. I think that's what I love about the 5 Min Artisan sits in the fridge and develops:)

    I have yet to make a Calzone w/'ve inspired me..Of course tonight is reg. pizza night ..J'. I suggested he try my bucket in the fridge:)

    Very nice Lori!

  2. I've never made a calzone -- may have to rectify that soon!

  3. I'm going to try another pizza today. My goal is just to get it into the oven right side up. I'll be trying calzone very soon. Yours looks so delicious, Lori.

  4. Lori, your Calzone looks soooooo good. I love the filling that you winged. And the crust looks perfect.

  5. Your Calzone looks of my kids absolute favorites!
    Yummm are making me hungry!

  6. It has been so long since I've had a calzone. This makes me want one right now!


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