Friday, April 10, 2009

Foodie Friday - Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries

Or in this instance, cherry pie!

The family is coming over for dinner tonight. My son-in-law requested manicotti. You've seen that already - that's old hat! His preference for dessert, however, was cherry pie. Now I don't make many pies. And I don't think I've ever made a cherry pie before. So I cheated a bit... and used canned cherry pie filling. I did, however, make my own crust.

After making the crust, I poured in the filling, dotted the top of that with a few pats of butter, and then topped that with pastry leaves I cut out of another piece of dough using a little leaf cutter. I brushed the leaves with an egg wash and sprinkled them liberally with sugar. It smells heavenly!! My dear son-in-law pronounced it 'very pretty', and is being very good by waiting until after dinner to dig in! Next challenge: making my own cherry pie filling!!

Thanks to Michael of Designs by Gollum for hosting Foodie Friday. Check out her beautiful blog. You'll find lots of food and design ideas, and I'm sure she will make you smile! You'll also find a lot of other participants with amazing dishes to share. Enjoy!


  1. The leaf design is gorgeous! I bet it tastes just as good as it looks.

  2. OOOH Lori, that pie is a masterpiece. Love the shape of the leaves. Your SIL is going to love his dessert.

  3. This is truly inspired. I love the cherries peeking through the pastry leaves. I am so making this! Have a wonderful Easter, Lori!

  4. And what a purty pie:)I love the look of pies..I always have..Yours is no exception..!

  5. Yes, it looks very good. No cherries to be had here in NY, so canned would be the only option!

  6. I like the look of the pie with the pastry leaves..something unique! I'm sure your SIL was thrilled!

  7. Hello...

    Just wanted to stop by to say thank you for visiting my Easter brunch tablescape and thank you for your very sweet comments too!

    Ohhh my...I do declare that your cherry pie has to be one of the prettiest that I've seen!!! And...cherry pie is my favorite of all pies! I love all of the little pastry leaf cutouts on the's a work of art, my friend!!!

    I also wanted to let you know that I took a peek at your tablescape (last post)'s gorgeous!!! I love the olive green linens with the all-white place settings! Love your pretty dishes!!! Soooo beautiful!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  8. Beautiful presentation! Thanks for visiting me too! Have a very Happy Easter! Blessings, Marsha

  9. Beautiful pie, Lori. I would be very happy with a slice made with canned cherries. The fresh cherry season is very short here so we always use canned. Yum.

  10. What a work of delicious art!
    I am loving this pie!

  11. Absolutely a perfect looking cherry pie!!


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