Monday, May 16, 2011

Southwestern Turkey Wrap

I'm trying to be more frugal these days by taking my lunch to work as often as I can.  Sometimes, that means leftovers if I've cooked something particularly delicious and plentiful (like the General Tso's Chicken of a couple of weeks ago).  But when I happened upon this wrap, it got my attention.  Now, one doesn't normally need a recipe for a wrap. The real recipe here is for the spread that seasons this one.  It's easy, it's delicious, and because of it, definitely takes lunch fare up a notch.  The avocado is optional, but it does add a nice richness and flavor.  Want a satisfying lunch?  Try a Southwestern Turkey Wrap!

Southwestern Turkey Wraps
Makes 4

1/2 cup mayonnaise (not Miracle Whip!)
3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 green onion, minced
1 tablespoon minced chipotle
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice

4 10-inch flour tortillas (I've used a sun-dried tomato wrap here)
16 ounces smoked turkey
8 ounces pepper jack cheese
thinly sliced avocado
mesclun (or spring mix salad)
12 thin tomato slices

Spread approximately 2 tablespoons of the chipotle-mayonnaise spread on tortilla. Top with turkey, pepper jack, mesclun, avocado, and tomato slices. Roll fairly tightly, cut diagonally, and serve.

Source:  Contessa's Kitchen


  1. Oh my goodness, does that look good! Fabulous photos, Lori. Sun dried tomatoes in the wrap is the frosting on the cake. I know what I'm having for lunch today.

  2. Looks delicious my friend! I could eat that right this minute! Beautiful pics as always!

  3. Lori, this is one of our favourite wraps, as well. Now I am hungry for one again!


  4. Um, may i have one for breakfast? That looks so delicious Lori! We love wraps and next time I'm going to try them your way. At his request, I pack a lunch for Mr. OUaP almost every workday (so much more healthful, tasty and budget friendly than take-out.) Thank you for sharing!! xo

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  6. I know I commented already, but I wanted to tell you I've reached the 5 year anniversary for my blog. If you get a chance, pop over and register for my giveaway!


  7. what a gorgeous pic! mouthwatering too :)


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