Friday, April 9, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase #14 - Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Welcome to the 14th week of Saturday Blog Showcase.  Join Ann (Thibeault's Table) and me in using this opportunity to showcase the delicious recipes of our many fellow bloggers. 

My entry for this week's Saturday Blog Showcase is Cate's World Kitchen's recipe for Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies.  Cate's beautiful photos of these cookies were so compelling, I had to make these for myself.  And the cookie lived up to Cate's pictures.  I absolutely love the texture of these cookies.  The chocolate does not overpower the oatmeal cookie but adds another dimension.  The outside is slightly crisp, but the inside is soft and almost fudgey.  Thank you, Cate, for a wonderful recipe.  I'll be making these over and over again!

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Makes about 30 cookies

10 tbsp butter (2/3 cup), softened
1 cup light brown sugar (packed)
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1 tbsp vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup unbleached white flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 tsp baking soda
4 cups old fashioned oats

Preheat the oven to 350 F and line a couple cookie sheets with parchment paper or a Silpat.

Beat the butter until smooth and creamy and add both sugars. Mix well, then beat in the eggs and vanilla.

In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, salt, cocoa powder and baking soda. Add to the butter mixture and mix until all traces of dry ingredients disappear.  Stir in the oats.

To form cookies, scoop out 2-3 tbsp of dough at a time and flatten slightly, 12 to a cookie sheet.  Bake for about 15 minutes, or until set on the edges but slightly fudgey inside (they’ll harden up as they cool).

Cool on the sheets for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

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If you would like to join us this week just :

1.Make a recipe from a fellow blogger's website and share the recipe on your blog with a link back to the blog where you found the recipe.

2.Add the Saturday Blog Showcase logo to your post.

3.On Friday night or Saturday, link your post to Mr. Linky



  1. I love to make oatmeal cookies, but I've never thought of this chocolate version. Bookmarked! Thanks for such a great post.

  2. Your cookies sound delicious! This is the first time I've gotten my act together and posted with you guys. LOL I made a typo on the word bars!!!

  3. I bet my grandkidlets would LOVE these! Your photos make me want to reach in & grab one to go with this morning cuppa tea, Lori.

    I used Monique's post about her pineapple tarts for my inspiration for this week's Sat. Blog Showcase, even though she didn't give a specific recipe. I hope that's okay. Her photos were so beautiful, I just had to try making something similar.

    Thanks for hosting this weeks event.

  4. I have never made the chocolate ones either..Thank you~

  5. Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies are new to me as well. I really like the idea of this combo. If you recommend them Lori, I will definitely give them a try. You haven't steered me wrong yet.


  6. This cookie looks delicious and sounds healthy!! I'm going to make it.


  7. We usually make Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies, but this is one I HAVE to try....why didn't I think of it?!
    Thanks Lori and Cate.

  8. just waving hi as i grab a cookie to go back out in the garden!


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