Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland, Texas-Style

We had a historical snowfall yesterday - most snow ever in a single day in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area.  I grew up in New York and have seen much more than this, but I've only seen something close to this snowfall once in the 30 years I've lived here in Texas.  We often have snow-less winters here.  But this was a beautiful day, especially since I could stay in and enjoy the Ansel Adam-esque scenes in my own back yard.



The two rosemary bushes on either side of my sidewalk became so laden with snow, they caved in over each other across the entryway to my front door.  If the snow doesn't melt by this afternoon, I'll have to rescue them.  Until then, I'll just enjoy the view...

I miss the winters of my youth... but, of course, I wasn't in charge of shoveling the walkways and the driveway. I remember those winters wistfully, when we built snowmen and snowdogs (!), went sledding down the big hill behind my parents' house, or ice skated on the ice formed over the little swampy area at the end of the neighborhood!  It was fun for my siblings and I - probably not so much for my mother who took care of all those layers of snowy, wet jackets and sweaters and scarves and hats and mittens and socks.  But I do remember warming up in front of the fireplace with homemade donuts and cider afterwards...  That's the good thing about memories:  they can stay just as homey as we want them to be!


  1. WOW! I'm surprised we didn't get any here this chilly spell. I love your pictures - the branches are hanging in there!

  2. I came across your blog a month or so ago and love reading all the recipes! I need to find time to make some of your goodness! Love the snowy pics! I live in Northern VA (outside of DC) and we too had record snowfall with over 50 inches. The snowiest winter in the last 126 or at least since they started keeping records. Isn't the snow great! Glad to see some of the kids down south can witness and play in the snow. :-) Enjoy the view while you can! What a crazy winter huh?

  3. I hope you enjoyed your book and tea, I was just admiring your pretty rose teapot :-). Your snow photos are so gorgeous, we kive in SF so no snow but Tahoe is not far if we need to see some. happy weekend, Kathy.

  4. We've had more snow this winter, too -- but we've yet to have 10 inches at a time. But it has been a real "winter" and I must admit that I prefer winter white to winter brown!

  5. Glad you are surviving! I have been watching it on the news. I didn't do the Saturday Showcase this week. I just can't seem to keep up. My internet connection still isn't that reliable.


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