Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase - Cornstarch Waffles


Welcome to the fifth edition of Saturday Blog Showcase!!  Ann (Thibeault's Table) is hosting this week  Be sure to sign in on Mr. Linky at her blog to join in on the fun!

This week I decided on these Cornstarch Waffles from Cooking Stuff.  Bob wasn't entirely thrilled with these when he made them, but I was interested in seeing what the cornstarch did to the texture of the waffles.  The waffles were light, crispy on the outside and very tender on the inside.  Quite delicious.  To be honest, it won't replace my standard recipe for waffles, but it was a slightly different change of pace and a little easier to make than my recipe.  And to be fair, the taste was quite good!  The kitchen smells like I've been making pastries.  How great is that?!  Thanks, Bob -

Cornstarch Waffles

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt (or a bit less)
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup whole milk or buttermilk
1/3 cup vegetable oil or melted butter
1 egg
3/4 teaspoon vanilla

Combine the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. Add the oil, vanilla, egg and milk. Mix well. Let it rest for a half hour. Make the waffles according to your iron's directions.



  1. They are lovely..I have 2 machines and have been remiss..I must try more recipes..Thank you for the encouragement..

  2. Don't these look PRETTY!! ♥ ♥

    I just got a new waffle maker for Christmas & have been experimenting. I really like the overnight/yeast recipe that came in the book with it, but you sure have to plan ahead. I will have to give yours a try, too. No shortage of taste testers when the 3 g'kids sleep overnight. :D

    Now I'll go hunt down YOUR recipe to copy, as well. I'm going to need a new hard drive with all these wonderful recipes I'm saving. LOL


  3. Thank you, ladies!

    Rett, I went back and edited my post to include a link to the waffles I generally make. The recipe is very light and crisp and comes out well every time. It's one of the first recipes my son learned to make on his own when he was about 12 years old and now makes for his wife. :D Enjoy!

  4. These look really good! I have never seen a recipe with cornstarch but it would make them nice and tender.

  5. Lori, These look really good. Glad you put the link to your waffle recipe in there. Believe it or not, I am still using the waffle iron I received as a wedding gift 28 years ago. That don't make 'em like that anymore! Never thought I'd say that.

  6. This waffle picture is awesome. What type or brand of waffle iron are you using? The one I have kind of stinks and doesn't make crispy waffles at all.

  7. These waffles look soooo delicious. That's a treat I don't indulge in very often, but you've inspired me to get my waffle iron out of the cupboard. They will be perfect for Sunday morning.

  8. Lori, Those waffles look so delightfully crisp and as light as a feather. Beautiful!!

    I'd love to try your other recipe for waffles, too. :D xo

  9. Cornstarch waffles sound interesting! Would love to try it sometime.

  10. I've never been much of a waffle fan, but that recipe does sound interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  11. We don't eat waffles often enough. This weekend ended up being a waffle fest. These cornstarch waffles look delicious. It's simply amazing how many waffle recipes one will find with just a little diggin. We used whole wheat flour this go around - not something we typically feel obligated to do, but we wanted to see how they worked. I think we're going to have to give this one a try. The waffles look so light.
    Steve & Jason

  12. Heh, you're welcome! Thanks for the shout out, glad they came out better for you than they did for me. Great pictures, too.

  13. Please, fellow food lovers, could you recommend a waffle iron? I've had several that haven't worked so well and gave up about a decade ago. We do love waffles and would like to find an iron that worked.

  14. FTK, I've had a few waffle irons and haven't had a problem with any of them. The one I'm currently using is a Toastmaster 4-waffle iron. Make sure the iron has plenty of time to heat up, don't overfill the iron before closing it, and wait until the steam subsides before opening it. Hope you have some waffle-making success!!

    If anyone else has any suggestions, please chime in!! :D

  15. These look awesome! I have a standard and a belgian waffle maker - will have to try with both. :)

    Regarding recommendations, I've had all kinds of $10 one from Walmart, and more expensive ones as well. Currently I have a standard Cuisinart, and my belgian waffle maker is Bella Kitchen rotating one that I got at Kohls. Found out after I bought it that the reviews were horrible, but I've never had an issue with it. Just have to always use a nonstick spray to make sure the waffle comes out clean.


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