Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase #7 - Vanilla-Scented Granola

It's Saturday Blog Showcase time again.  Thank you to Ann (Thibeault's Table) for hosting this week.  To participate, make a recipe from a blog other than your own any day of the week.  On Saturday, place the Saturday Blog Showcase logo on your post, and link back to Mr. Linky.  That's all there is to it!

I've been in the mood for a good granola.  When I saw the Vanilla-Scented Granola on Dishing Up Delights, I couldn't resist!  I LOVE the aroma of vanilla, and the recipe seemed easy enough (I've been in a very lethargic mood for some reason this week!)  I wasn't disappointed.  The recipe was extremely easy, and the scent of vanilla and toasting almonds with a touch of cinnamon was heavenly.  Once it was removed from the oven, I could hardly wait for it to cool down to munch on some.  While it was cooling, I decided I was going to add some dried fruit to the mix, so I added in about 1/2 cup of chopped dried apricots and 1/2 cup dried cranberries.  I've got a delicious cereal and snack for a few days!  Yay!  Thanks again to Dishing Up Delights!

Vanilla-Scented Granola
Makes 2 cups

Nonstick vegetable oil spray
2 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup golden brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Position rack in middle of oven and preheat to 300 degrees. Lightly spray large baking sheet with nonstick spray. Mix the oats, almonds, brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon in large bowl. Combine oil, honey, and sugar in small saucepan; bring to simmer over medium heat. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Pour hot liquid over oat mixture; stir well. Using hands, toss mixture until thoroughly mixed.

Spread granola on prepared baking sheet. Bake until golden brown, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Transfer sheet to rack; cool granola completely. (Can be made 2 weeks ahead. Store in airtight container at room temperature.)
Source:  Dishing Up Delights


  1. This looks absolutely delicious!

  2. I never thought to add vanilla to granola. I just made some, but with a hungry teenager coming home from college next week, I can try this out. Thanks Lori and to Dishing up delights! It looks great.


  3. Lori, Thanks for the reminder that I have been planning on making granola. Maybe that can be one thing I do with my boys this week of school vacation. Most years we go sledding but we would have to move South this year to do that. I love the photo of the granola spilling from the jar.


  4. I was just going to mention Diane's too:) You girls have MOTIVATED me~! Thank you!

  5. the granola looks so amazing...the vanilla must've made it really special !and the fotos as always make me gawk...I hope ur feeling better now Lori...^^

  6. Lori, I love the look of your granola with the golden apricots and the ruby cranberries. Like little jewels. I need to make some for Moe.


  7. Great photos, Lori...the tumbled jumble out of the jar makes me want to reach out for a handful! I can just imagine the aroma, too. I ♥ vanilla fragrance, like you & even burn vanilla candles for the smell.

  8. Good granola is the one thing that will tempt me to eat breakfast, especially with a little yogurt. Love the ingredients you've used in this version, Lori. And it's good for us too!

  9. Yummy! Lori, vanilla is a nice addition. I haven't made granola in a while. I will certainly give this one a try.

  10. I have never thought to add vanilla to my granola. Great idea. Looks delicious - like I should make some!

  11. I love your photos, especially the granola spilling over. Makes me wish I had a baseball mitt to catch every last bit.

    I appreciate recipes which are lower in fat, so I'll save yours. I often make granola for my hooligans. And Thumper, in particular, makes it disappear fast.

  12. Well, my comment was submitted, and just as quickly, poof! disappeared. Let's try this again.

    I loved all your photos; the granola spilling over made me wish I had a baseball mitt to catch every last bit.

    Another thing I appreciate, is your recipe being lower in fat than most, so I'll save it.

    I make Granola often for the kids. Thumper, in particular, makes it disappear quickly. Not to mention, I'm suddenly having a craving.

  13. This sounds delicious. My daughter would absolutely love it!

  14. Perfect. Homemade granola is the best:)


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