Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Blog Showcase - Cloud Souffle

For my first entry for Saturday Blog Showcase, I decided to do this pretty and delicious dish from Almost Bourdain I came across about a week or so ago.  I love eggs but had never had them prepared this way before - never even seen them prepared this way before!  I was surprised at how quickly it came together.  It only took a minute or so to beat the egg whites until they were stiff.  I thought it might be messy trying to create  'nest' of beaten egg whites in the ramekin, but it was extremely simple.  The one change I made to the recipe was to omit the cheese... While I love cheese, I don't care for them with eggs (odd, I know).  But I can see many other variations for future Cloud Souffles!  Adding sauteed mushrooms, chopped roasted red peppers, chopped green onions, crispy shards of bacon or baked prosciutto... mmmmm.  This would also be a wonderful dish for overnight guests.  A definite winner for Saturday Blog Showcase!!

Nuvolone (Cloud Souffle)
(Adapted from Winter In The Alps Cookbook by Manuela Darling-Gansser)
Serves 1

2 eggs, separated
Sea salt
50 ml (2 fl oz) cream
Freshly ground black pepper
15 g (1/2 oz) unsalted butter

Preheat the oven to 200C (400F). Butter an individual ramekin per person (about 15 cm / 6" in diameter). Beat the egg whites. When they start to become stiff, add salt to taste. Continue beating until they hold their peaks well.

Spoon the egg whites into the ramekin. With the back of a soup spoon, make a well in the middle of the egg whites, pushing the egg whites up the sides of the ramekin. Carefully drop the 2 egg yolks into the well.

Then add the cream. Grind over some black pepper and add the knob of butter. Smooth the egg whites back over the hole.

Bake in the oven for 4 to 5 minutes. The top should be lightly golden, and when you break the crust, the yolks and cream should be soft and hot.

Serve with crusty bread to dip into the yolks and cream.

* * * * * * * * * *

Thanks to Ann of Thibeault's Table for hosting our very first Saturday Blog Showcase.  Please visit her site to see the wonderful dishes found on the web by the other participants!


  1. Lori, this recipe is brilliant! I've been searching for savory methods to use egg whites, and this fits the bill. Thanks!

  2. Lori, your photos look ethereal! Perfect for this lovely dish. A B&B near my house serves these as one of their breakfast items and I found the recipe on their website a few years ago. This was one of my father's favorite ways of enjoying eggs, I used to love making them for him when he lived with us. Good memories. :)

    I must say, I've never seen a prettier version than yours! Absolutely beautiful.

    Happy Saturday Blog Showcase, my friend!! xo

  3. I'm so curious about this way of preparing eggs that I am compelled to try it. I think I would add a little cheese to mine. What a lovely presentation.

    Happy Saturday Blog Showcase to you, Lori.

  4. Lori, Thanks for the mention! I am glad you like this recipe and it's so versatile that you can make it with many variations. Beautiful pictures!

  5. It really does look like a cloud. I like your little "toast fingers". Moe would have loved your breakfast.

  6. Hi! I popped over from Jain's Food with Style where she featured your Cloud Souffle. Having just finished my breakfast of poached eggs I'm intrigued with your recipe. Love souffles! Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

  7. Hey Lori...this looks & sounds very similar to a recipe I tried called "Eggs in a Cloud". The one I tried had Hollendaise sauce on it, though. There is a link to it in my sidebar.
    I'm looking forward to participating in the Sat. Blog Showcase next week. I will have to remind myself to take some pictures before we eat, though!! LOL

  8. Oooops, that's suppose to be "Hollandaise" *blush*

  9. OOh, Rett - hollandaise would be wonderful with this! Thanks!

  10. I love that glows from the inside!!!!

  11. So, it's savory! What a versatile dish. Even Bandwidth will like this.

    Speaking of Bourdain, the season premier is tonight.


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