Friday, January 29, 2010

Foodie Friday - Mini Bagels

When I saw Ann's (Thibeault's Table) post on the bagels she made, I was bound and determined to try them for myself.  The recipe is detailed, including a mention that the dough should be stiffer than most bread doughs.  I've tried making bagels before, but the texture of the dough was not something I'd ever paid attention to before.  It really made such a difference in the final texture of the bagels.  They were much easier to make than I expected though forming them took a little practice. A little shmear, a little smoked salmon... I'm all set (and very happy!)

Mini Bagels

2 cups warm water
2 packages active dry yeast
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt
about 5 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, unsifted
3 quarts water with 1 tablespoon of sugar
1 egg yolk beaten with 1 tablespoon water
about 2 tablespoons poppy or sesame seeds.

Stir together water and yeast in large bowl of electric mixer; let stand 5 minutes to soften yeast. Stir in the Sugar and Salt.  Gradually mix in 4 cups of the flour and beat at medium speed for 5 minutes. With a spoon, stir in about 1 1/4 cups more flour to make a stiff dough.

Turn out on a floured board and knead until smooth, elastic, and no longer sticky, (about 15 minutes); add more flour as needed to prevent sticking - dough should be firmer than for most other yeast breads.
Place in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise in a warm place until almost doubled ( about 40 minutes to 1 hour).

Punch dough down and divide into thirds. Set 2/3 of dough aside on a floured board; cover with clear plastic. form remaining 1/3 dough in a log and cut into 16 equal pieces.

To shape, knead each piece into small ball and poke thumbs through centre. With one thumb in hole (hole should be at least 1/2 inch) work fingers around perimeter, shaping ball into a small donut like shape
about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Place bagels on a floured board or tray and let stand 20 minutes.

Bring water-sugar mixture to a boil in a 4 to 5 quart pan; adjust heat to keep it boiling gently. Lightly grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with cornmeal. Lift bagels carefully and drop into water (about 6 at a time) boil gently for 1 minute turning only once (30 seconds each side). Lift out with slotted spoon and drain very briefly on paper towels, and place on baking sheet. Brush with 1/3 of the egg yolk glaze, sprinkle with seeds and bake in a 400° oven for 20 minutes or until richly browned. cool on racks.

Repeat with remaining 2/3 dough (you may need to punch it down before shaping,) working with 1/3 at a time. Makes 48 cocktail size bagels.

Source:   Sunset - Hors D'oeuvres, copyright 1981

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Thanks to Michael of Designs by Gollum for hosting another Foodie Friday.  Follow the link to her blog to see what everyone else made for today!


  1. Your little bagels are devine. Years ago, I attempted bagels but they were odd shaped and textured. I'm going to give your recipe a whirl :)


  2. Your mimi bagels look so delicious Lori, your photography is gorgeous with the poppy and sesame seeds i'm drooling :-)

  3. I never thought bagels could be more mouth watering..until Minis showed up:)

  4. OY Vey...good on you sweetie!
    You did a great job and they look wonderful.
    I have not made bagels since my San Francisco days when I felt I could not get a decent that I am in the land of good bagels I have not made them....but I think that I will...

  5. I've not made bagels but my DD has -- they were exceptionally good!

  6. gorgeous with the poppy and sesame seeds i'm drooling

    Work from home India

  7. i have to make these. ihv yet to make bagels and these look great! Ill note that the dough has to be stiffer than the usual..thats a good tip! ur photos are stunning. as always!

  8. I'm putting this on my list for Simple Pleasures after I finish the book (though I have an idea that making bagels will be harder than writing). Have you read (I always savor a cookbook in a novel kind of way) Breadtime Stories?

  9. This is my first visit to your blog, but will not be my last, it's wonderful!

  10. Belles,s I look forwards to seeing you again!

    Michael, I haven't seen Breadtime Stories - off to check it out now!


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