Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ann's Maple Fudge and Saturday Blog Showcase

Every time I try to make fudge, it seems to come out grainy and, to be frank, not very pretty.  But when Ann of Thibeault's Table makes fudge, it always looks perfect.  It looks creamy and beautiful and delicious.  Well, I was in the mood for creamy, beautiful, delicious fudge, and so I tried Ann's recipe. She's always sworn to me how easy it is - well, she was right.  Her maple cream fudge has just a hint of maple flavor, which is perfect for me.  My favorite has always been penuche (brown sugar fudge), but I might have just found my new favorite!  (I have to admit, though, that I did overcook it a smidge, and so mine didn't turn out as creamy as Ann's does.  I have, however, been schooled, and will be more careful next time!!)

In the spirit of sharing and trying recipes we come across on the world wide web, Ann and I have come up with an idea.  Ann of Thibeault's Table and I are introducing Saturday Blog Showcase.  This is a wonderful opportunity to credit the many blogs we 'borrow' recipes from by sourcing that recipe and showcasing the originating blog as well as your own.  The recipe you choose to make from another blog can be anything from soup to nuts, from appetizers to desserts and everything in between!  You may, of course, make the recipe any day of the week; however, we'll set up Mr. Linky for you to sign in and link your post to on each Saturday.  Your post should include the actual recipe, as well as a link to the post of the originating blog for that recipe.  This way, all will be credited for the wonderful dishes created.  Also, please include the Saturday Blog Showcase logo in your post.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either myself or Ann via the email through our blogs.  One week I will be providing the link-up and the next week Ann will be fulfilling that function. Don't worry about trying to remember who's sponsoring the event that week - a link will be provided from either blog to whichever of us is hosting Saturday Blog Showcase!

We look forward to much participation and a lot of great cooking!!

Ann's Maple Cream Fudge

1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup cream
1/3 cup of butter
1/4 cup of pure maple syrup
pinch of salt

Add the two sugars, butter and cream, maple syrup and salt into a sauce pan. Place over medium heat. Stir while bringing to a boil. Lower the heat and continue to stir slowly while the mixture cooks. After about 7 minutes, test by pouring a small amount into some cold water. You want it to form a soft ball. You might need to cook it for another minute or two. Remove from the heat, add a couple of teaspoons of vanilla and start stirring. It takes about 14 or 15 minutes for the fudge to cool and thicken. Pour into buttered dish. TIP: If you let the fudge sit for 10 minutes after removing from the heat and allow it to cool slightly this will reduce the stirring time.

Option: Replace the cream and cup of white sugar with one can of Sweetened Condensed Milk and increase the maple syrup to 1 cup.


  1. It does look delish~I hope your Saturdays are a success!Often I make a wonderful blogs dish..I will tell you:)

  2. Looks yummy Lori! I posted the Saturday button on my sidebar :) and when I make a recipe from another blog I would be happy to join in the fun.
    Such a great idea! xo

  3. Dear Lori, photos are sensational!
    Although I can follow your recipes, you will not be able to follow mine, but we can "talk", from time to time about our other interest, besides cooking, and that is our "children". I have two grown up, but the third is still with me: my Irish terrier. So....

  4. Lori, your fudge looks darn good to me.

    I'm glad you liked the recipe. I get so many wonderful recipes from you.


  5. Dangerous, but I can't turn away! Thanks for all of the delicious recipes you've shared...


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