Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Onion Rings

Dinner tonight was a breaded chicken breast and sauteed grape tomatoes. As another side, I decided to make onion rings. I hadn't made them in quite awhile, so when Ann of Thibeault's Table recently made them, and with such an easy recipe, I had to give them a try. They were the best onion rings I've ever had. Super light and crispy, even as they cooled. I will definitely make these again.

Onion Rings

1-1/2 cups buttermilk
1 sweet onion (such as Vidalia or Walla Walla), thinly sliced into rounds, then separated into rings
2 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1 teaspoon seasoning salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

3 cups canola oil (for frying)

Pour buttermilk into large bowl. Add onion rings; toss to coat. Let stand 1 hour, tossing occasionally. Mix flour and seasonings in another large bowl.

Pour enough oil into heavy large skillet to reach depth of 3 inches. Heat over medium-high heat to 350F. Working with a few onion rings at a time, shake off excess buttermilk, then turn onion rings in flour mixture to coat. Fry onion rings until deep golden brown, adjusting heat as necessary for each batch to maintain temperature at 350F, about 2 minutes. Transfer onion rings to paper towels to drain. Can be kept warm on a sheet pan in a 350F. oven

Source: Adapted from Dlundin/Diana


  1. Wow! These look exquisite. And you can't go wrong with sweet onions.

  2. Blog is great; thanks for the tunes and the munchies.

  3. That would be my meal:) Oh lala they looks delish!

  4. OMG...I will make them with my steak this weekend!
    How good do those look!

  5. OMG, these look fantastic. I could eat an entire plate full all by myself. Walla wallas are in the market right now so I better get on it. Steak and onion rings...heaven.

  6. OOOH Lori, they look perfect. Wish I could reach in and snatch one right off your plate.

  7. I love them! Such a treat! Pass the ketchup, please..:)

  8. Mmmmm They look so delicious! Great photos too!

  9. You are evil... those are perfect onion rings. Haven't made them in so long... but my guy called a halt to fried food for a while... but soon... great pics!!!


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