Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Grape Sorbet

It's been hellaciously hot here in the Dallas area. Triple-digit heat is oppressive, so anything one can do to stay cool is very welcome. My Cuisinart ice cream maker has been getting a workout making fruit sorbets. They're so refreshing. Most contain just fruit, water, and sugar, so are easy to make. I had some grapes that needed to be used up and came up with a sorbet recipe to use them. It turned out to be just the heat relief I needed -

Grape Sorbet

2 - 3 pounds black grapes, stemmed
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
Juice of 1 orange

Put all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. Mash grapes to help release the juices, and simmer for about 25 minutes. Let cool slightly.

Let a fine sieve with 3 - 4 layers of cheesecloth, and drain the grape mixture, pressing to get as much of the juice out of the cooked fruit as you can. You should have 3 - 4 cups of juice.

Process in ice cream maker for 30 - 40 minutes. Remove sorbet to a container and freeze until sorbet is firm.

Yield: 1 quart


  1. Oh Lori, look at that colour. You can tell just by looking that the flavour is going to just burst in your mouth. Wish I could dip a spoon in for a little taste.


  2. Oh my gosh is that glorious or what?

  3. I have been seeing how hot is there! I bet the Grape Sorbet helped a little. I've never had this flavor. It looks so yummy!

  4. this looks amazing love the color
    By the way I changed my address to match the blog!

  5. Hi Lori. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful sorbet. I imagine the flavor is just as intense as the color. Perfect for a hot summer day.

  6. Oh Lordy! That does look good...and refreshing.

  7. I really like how it even has a pretty grape color :)! Looks great.

  8. Wowwie Lori! I'm swooning over these gorgeous photos ~ EXCELLENT!

    I would love that Grape Sorbet right NOW (it's in the low 100's), it would sure hit the spot. Very nice! xo~m.

  9. Beautifully photographed - the bright purple of the sorbet is vividly captured, but I'm sure the pictures don't do it justice! We've had triple-digit heat for the last couple days, and I bet grape sorbet would be just the thing to beat the heat!

  10. superbe blog ! merci pour ce partage j'adore ta recette de glace aux raisins je la range dans mes dossier merci à bientôt....

  11. Merci, Angy! Merci de votre visite sur mon blog. S'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à revenir bientôt!

  12. This looks awesome! I'm always wondering what to do with leftover grapes - this is super! :)


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