Monday, June 29, 2009

Chicken Tacos

After all the cooking and baking I've done in the last few days, I was tired. In addition to what I've posted about so far, I also made blueberry ice cream and a batch of raspberry-plum jam that I'll post about soon. No real cooking today. So, I poached a boneless, skinless chicken in water and peppercorns. A quick chop (season the chicken with lots of ground cumin), along with some diced tomato and avocado, a little salsa, a little sour cream, a quick squirt of lime, quickly fry a few corn tortillas, and dinner was done. I love tacos. I love chicken tacos. Good thing it doesn't take long to put them on the dinner table!


  1. those look great! i love tacos =)

  2. That's one thing I never think of making and I should!

  3. I've not made chicken tacos like that -- and I'm not sure why -- will have to remedy that the next time we're in the mood for Mexican.

  4. Tacos are my favorite but I typically don't make chicken tacos. These look yummy! I'll have to try it.

  5. They may be simple to put together, but you can't beat the flavors and textures of a good taco. You've combined my favorite ingredients, delicious.

  6. I love tacos, and those sure do look yummy!


  7. I love tacos, I bet they are very tasty made out of chicken.

  8. Love tacos and a must have in any Mexican meal.


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