Sunday, May 3, 2009


Today was dark, overcast and windy, a little on the chilly side (for Dallas), the perfect day for homemade pizza. I usually make a thick crust, more like Sicilian style pizza. I ended up making a double batch of dough, making one Sicilian style pizza, and a couple of thinner round pizzas, as well as a batch of olive foccacia. I have plenty for the freezer, plenty for lunches, and the leftover foccacia will be great for either sandwiches or appetizers.


1 envelope yeast (2-1/4 teaspoons)
1-1/4 cup warm water
1-1/2 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons shortening (I made a double batch and used half shortening, half olive oil)
4 cups flour (preferably bread flour)
1 tablespoon vital wheat gluten (optional)

Combine ingredients. Knead for 5 - 10 minutes, until dough is smooth. Place in well-oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise in warm spot for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, until dough is doubled in size.

Put 2 tablespoons olive oil on 2 pizza pans. Divide dough between each pan and spread dough onto pans. Let dough rise again for 30 minutes. Bake at 500 F. for about 10 minutes or until crust is slightly browned and crispy on bottom. Spread sauce over baked crust. Add desired toppings (pepperoni, browned sausage, sauteed sliced onions, sauteed sliced mushrooms, etc.) and sprinkle with shredded mozzarella and grated parmesan. Put in oven for additional 8 - 10 minutes, until cheese is melted.

For foccacia, place 1/2 batch of risen dough in well-oiled pan and let rise for second time until doubled. Dimple dough with fingertips and drizzle olive oil over dough. Press desired topping (sliced tomatoes, chopped fresh rosemary, thinly sliced onions, olives) into dough and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake in hot oven until golden brown.


  1. I could exist on a diet of pizza....yours looks fabulous..

  2. Tell me about vital wheat REALLY have my interest. What is it? What is your experience with it and where did you buy it?

  3. Thank you!

    The vital wheat gluten makes the dough a little softer and more elastic, easier to work with. To get the same results with the bread flour we have available in the U.S. as Canadian bread flours, for instance, I need to add the vital wheat gluten. You should be able to find it at just about any grocery store. I've even seen it at Target grocery stores. I've been using it for the last several years and I really see a different in the quality of my bread doughs.

  4. Mmm! Who can resist pizza! This one looks sooo great! I have got to break down and make my own crust some time!

  5. I love pizza!!! This pizza looks so yummy....

  6. Oh my gosh Lori, they ALL look fabulous! I would be so happy with a bite of each. *grin*

    Your photos are gorgeous, as always. xo~m.

  7. Mouth watering to say the least..and with the caramel colored background:) Even better!

  8. That looks DELICIOUS!!!
    Make sure you pop over for a visit today!

  9. Looks delicious. I love how you put the toppings under the cheese.

  10. You are making me very hungry! I'm just learning to really cook, so I'll be back for some recipies!

  11. We love a good pizza at our house and I think yours would really do the trick!


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