Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tablescape Thursday... in Black & White

I went for another streamlined look for TT this week. I love a black & white palate and found white tulips (my ultimate blossom of choice) to complement the tablescape:

You can see the new little doggie door my son-in-law installed for me when he and my daughter and grand-munchkin were visiting from New York a couple of weeks ago. I love it and the pups are finally getting the hang of using it. Yay!

The flatware pattern is Arctic - I purchased it on sale from Pottery Barn a year or so ago. I love the look and heft of it.

The napkin rings were purchased on eBay. Don't you love that site?!

I don't recall the make of the table linens, but I do remember purchasing them from Bed Bath & Beyond a few years ago. My son gave me the wine glasses several years ago. I love them, too. I think the long stems give them a real look of elegance!

And the tulips. *sigh* They just make me happy. I purchased them from Target for $20 for the whole bunch. Color me happy!!

Thanks so much to Susan of Between Naps on the Porch for hosting Tablescape Thursdays. Check out her blog to take a peek at everyone else's incredible TT creations!


  1. Stunning sophisticated table. White tulips are one of my favorite things.


  2. Love the sophistication of black and white. Alas, had no company this week so no tablescape!

  3. I love this table. So simple, yet elegant. It's the black and white and silver combination. Great table!

  4. Very elegant! I buy myself flowers too. We deserve it! Great post!

  5. Beautiful photography!!! Gorgeous table!!!

  6. Your table looks beautiful! I love Pottery Barn! I love your napkins rings too! Very Lovely!

  7. OH MY..I love that tablecloth and the flatware is fab! And the white tulip centerpiece is just elegant!

  8. Lori, your table setting is beautiful. Black really is elegant. And the white tulips add the perfect touch.

  9. Those whiite tulips are perfect for an elegant black/white table (I wish I had some for mine).
    I love the name of your blog, too.

  10. What a great table... Black and white is such and elegant combo!

  11. One of our galleries is having a Black & White competition in October: you may have provided me with a super idea! Now I have to practice painting glass.

  12. I really like your black and white table. I'm a real sucker for napkin rings and these are just fabulous!! Happy TT!

  13. Looks elegant and fabulous! I would love to sit down and eat a great dinner there! :-)

  14. Lovely tablescape! Thanks for you nice comment.

    BTW, You have some yummy looking recipes on your blog. I'll be back whenever I smell the bread baking. :)

    Blessings, Marsha

  15. Love it! And I love ebay too! Great napkin rings. The tulips are beautiful as well.

  16. So elegant. I love the tulips too!
    Happy TT, Bridget

  17. Very simple yet very elegant...I love the look of your napkin rings, they are gorgeous!!

  18. Love the black and white so elegant and if the napkins rings are missing, they are at my house.

  19. Very pretty! The napkin rings are wonderful...and cute doggie door too!

  20. Oh what a VERY elegant table!

  21. Hi Lori! Oh, what a beautiful table you've set! Those napkins rings are so elegant!
    Be a sweetie and take a picture of one of your puppies little bum going out the new doggie door! That would be a hoot!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :0

  22. Shelia, what a great idea!! I'll try and catch that shot. :D

    Thank you all. This is only my second stab at Tablescape Thursday, and you've all been very encouraging! ;) I really do appreciate that!!


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