Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sweet Lemonade Award

Ann from Thibeault's Table was kind enough to nominate me for the "Sweet Lemonade Award". This is the first blog award I've been nominated for, and I appreciate Ann's generosity! Here are the rules for sending it along and sharing the love:

1. Put the logo on your blog post.

2. Nominate at least 5 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.

3. Be sure to put a link to your nominees.

4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you've received the award.

So, in keeping with the spirit of the award I would like to nominate five more wonderful women of blogdom who display great attitudes and that I have come to appreciate. I have and continue to learn much from these women.

Cathy (Wives with Knives): As I am fairly new to the world of blogs, most of my blog friendships are recent. I've come to know Cathy a bit from her wonderful recipes, beautiful photos, and the great sense she projects of being so grounded. I love that! And, most of all, I truly respect her.

Michael (Designs by Gollum): Michael is a multi-talented woman whose sense of humor and creativity constantly intrigues me. She crafts beautiful tablescapes as well as she crafts her well-written novels. Michael is a woman of great style, and I'm totally fascinated by her!

Evi (Life's Journey): One look at the title bar of Evi's blog, and you can't help but smile! Her gorgeous baby girl, Sara, is often at the center of many of her beautiful photographs. She's another one with a great sense of style and a heart of gold.

Dragana (Prijatno!): I love Dragana's recipes, wonderful pictures, and the way she incorporates her international background into her posts. She is definitely a great read!!

Sol (Memories in the Baking): I've known Sol for a little while now. She has an unbelievably amazing artistic talent. She's also funny as hell. Seriously, she's one of the wittiest people I've met (virtually, that is). Check out her blog. Once you pick your bottom jaw up off the floor, let her know what you think!

Thanks again to all of these wonderful women for the charm and inspiration they provide through their blogs. Enjoy!


  1. Congrats on the award...You serve it your site is wonderful!!

  2. Oh my, thank you so much, Lori, for this very special award and your kind comments. Congratulations to you on receiving this award from Ann. Recognition from a fellow blogger is heart warming and means a great deal.

  3. Lori, you're truly sweet. And I'm going to have a heck of a time coming down from cloud 9, but I'm touched (in a good way) that you think so kindly of me.
    Thanks a bajillion.

  4. congrats lori on your award, your blog is great!

  5. Lori, It's riverrat1. I love your blog, it's beautiful and the music is divine. Congratulations on receiving this award. WOW! I'll pick my jaw up off the floor now.

  6. Congratulations on your award..!!


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