Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Apple Galette with Caramel Sauce

I have a love affair with anything caramel: caramel candy, caramel apples, caramel ice cream. Homemade caramel sauce, though, has to top it all. It makes just about any dessert taste that much better!

This little dessert was made by taking storebought puff pastry and cutting into a circle. Put a little almond paste in the middle, then layer sliced apples over that, and bake. A little homemade caramel sauce (sugar, water, cream) and NOW it's dessert! Pay no attention to that little dab of ice cream in the middle...


  1. Oh Lori, I'm so happy that you have started to Blog.

    And I feel special to be the first one to comment.

    I'm looking forward to you sharing your meals with us.

  2. Hey girl it is beautiful!
    Can not wait for all your wonderful pics and posts!
    Mazel Tov on your new blog!
    Love to you,
    L ~xoxox

  3. Thanks, Ann & Linda. I can see this is going to be my new obsession. :D Thanks for being such great enablers!

  4. OMG...your galette looks so darn good, I think I am going to add your site to my list of favorites.

  5. Thank you, MaryBeth! Glad to have you come by! ;-D

  6. This looks amazing, do you provide the recipe anywhere? I would love to try making these sometime!!!


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