One woman's foray into cooking for herself, for her family, and for her friends. It's not always picture-perfect, sometimes a little messy,
but it's always delicious. Join me in exploring new recipes, savoring the "résultats" and learning from the "erreurs".

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saucisson Chocolat, Figues et Pistaches

My friend, Monique, of La Table de Nana, made this and I was amazed! I thought it was such a great example of trompe l'oeil - a "sausage" made of chocolate and other goodies! I finally had a chance to make it myself and was surprised at how easy it was. This would be a very cool addition to any party - everyone will be talking about it! AND... the best part... it's delicious!

Thankfully, Monique was kind enough to translate the recipe from French into English (my French isn't that great!)

Saucisson Chocolat, Figues et Pistaches
Yields: 2 "Saucissons"

120 g (4 ounces) chocolate 70% dark (Bittersweet)
30 g (3 tablespoons) butter
27 g(1 cup) pistachios, coarsely chopped (or almonds… I used almonds when I made this)
27 g (1 cup) Rice Krispies
165 g( 1- 1/2 cups )of dried chopped figs
2 tablespoons icing sugar

In the microwave or in a bain-marie, melt chocolate and butter. Incorporate the next 3 ingredients. Roll into a log approximately 2 inches in diameter, approximately 6 inches long. Press tightly when making the rolls so they do not break when you will eventually slice. (I put the mixture into a sandwich-sized resealable baggie and formed the roll, squeezing the mixture as tight as I could.) Refrigerate 3-4 hours.

Unwrap the rolls and place individually in a bag with the icing sugar and shake. Tie with kitchen string butcher style. At the time of serving using a bread knife, slice in approximately 3/8 inch slices.

(Monique's notes..I halved the recipe…so I made 1 log...To make sure we liked it…I did not crush my Rice Krispies…I have searched the net and saw that one person suggested it would be better. I like them the way they are :) DO press tightly.. a firm firm boudin is necessary.I used 3/4 cup of the chopped dried figs.. for my 1/2 recipe... And the next slices showed many more pistachios :) I just did not want to slice off too many pieces before sharing the photos with you.)

Source: Josée Di Stasio via Monique


La Table De Nana said... the new look..and I love your Saucisson.
Way better than mine..Good job!
Thank you Lori.

a quiet life said...

oh my, i have not been here in ages and you are looking so spiffy with all your gorgeous pics and header... when did you turn into such an internatioal sensation! it looks GORGEOUS here, well done, and of course chocolate speaks to me in many forms~

MaryBeth said...

I love the new look of your site...very sheik! I love this recipe, it is so very different and fabulous sounding!!

Martha said...

I may have to try this -- it looks really good and who doesn't like chocolate. I'm thinking with the rice krispies, it is the French version of a Nestle Crunch?

Lori (All That Splatters) said...

Thank you all! Monique, mine is not nearly as pretty as yours!! Martha, it is sort of like a Nestle Crunch Bar! I was just telling my sister-in-law that. The figs add a little extra sweetness - so good!

La Table De Nana said...

I never find dried figs like yours..Mine look like a necklace..a flat round puck necklace..yours look REAL!:)

Linda said...

Beautiful girlfriend...your new look and the chocolate...well done!!!!!

vanillasugarblog said...

that sounds so darn good!

test it comm said...

That looks and sounds so good! I am going to have to try this chocolate and fig combo!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Bain Maries

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